Monday 5 August 2013

Pentrefelin to Sale

Overnight the rain continued unabated and hit the skylight and windows with such ferocity at times that it woke us up.  Breakfast was a quick dash across to the main farmhouse after which we loaded up the car and I opened and closed the gate for the last time.  Altogether a very soggy business.

UK Warnings

Weather Warning
Monday 5th August 2013
Heavy rain will continue on for a time on Monday across SW England, West Midlands, Wales, Cumbria, parts of Yorkshire, the scottish Borders and Lothian. Drier weather to follow to Wales and SW England later this afternoon, and from northern England and SE Scotland this evening.
20-40mm of rain are likely with a risk of 60mm over parts of SW England. There is a risk of surface water flooding.

(Taken from BBC Weather - 5 August 2013)

We'd be lucky to get this sort of rain in a month during mid-winter in Perth.  Evidence of the overnight wash out was all around as we left Pentrefelin behind and drove through Beddgelert towards Betws-y-Coed.  Roads were bubbling with water and mini cascades were tumbling down off the rocks towards a very angry looking River Glaslyn.  Sadly Snowdonia had concealed its magnificent peaks in the mist.

Snowdonia lookout point
Lookout point in Snowdonia National Park

Mt Snowdon was definitely nowhere to be seen although I promise it is supposed to be somewhere in the centre of the picture below.  Those delicate white ribbons descending from the mountains were actually raging torrents of water.

Mt Snowdon
Mt Snowdon hidden in the mist
We made one final stop before reaching Sale for another happy reunion with Veronia.  This time it was a hearty lunch at The Black Swan just outside Warrington.  

Dawn and Veronia
Dawn and Veronia outside The Black Swan in Warrington

An exorbitant(!) 12p toll to cross the Warburton Bridge and before we knew it we were at The Coachmans Cottage in Sale, our home for the next few days.  The owners, Manon and Paul gave us a warm welcome and took the time to tell us about their amazing house.  Set back from the road behind the main grand 1850s house, it originally housed the stables and coachman's dwelling.  It seems to go with B+B territory but restoring this house was yet another 2 year exercise and labour of love on their part.  

We had some hours to spare so we stretched our legs with a brisk walk into Sale.  The town centre was grim and unwelcoming - all concrete, steel shutters and bollards although the grey skies and damp air probably did it no favours.  Some familiar sights for Ross but not a great deal of enthusiasm.  

The evening at least was much better spent in the company of Vaughn who exhibited the same Gusto as the fabulous restaurant he brought us to in Knutsford.  He may have come unaccompanied, with us the poorer for it, but his family was never far from his mind and we benefited from hearing their stories too.

Ross and Vaughn
Ross and Vaughn

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