Friday 2 August 2013

No flies in Wales

Rather an odd title for a post perhaps but the earth shattering discovery that Wales is fly-free (or is it) was core to our day.

We left our airport hotel after breakfast and jumped back on the Hoppa bus to the nearest airport terminal, only to discover that the car hire depot was a few hundred metres from the hotel and we'd needlessly done a circuit of the airport perimeter and wasted about an hour.  Lesson #1 - always communicate with hotel staff (also helps if hotel staff can communicate effectively in same language however).

Although we were early, the insanely busy car hire office meant it took an hour to collect the car.  Was the Audi A6 worth waiting for? It took much of the M4 before Ross got familiar with the car but by the time we got to the Severn crossing, ladies and gentlemen the gloves were off.  True to form Ross was intent on defying the laws of physics to negotiate the narrow Welsh roads and tight corners.  Speed limits? Bah! Much of Carmarthenshire passed in a blur.

A stop in Abergavenny was a welcome break for lunch and the first of our attempts to find an insecticide bomb to combat the flea menace at Ross’ mum’s house.  After looking into two stores and getting quizzical looks in each place, we decided to try our luck elsewhere.  It was the same story in Cardigan so Lesson #2 - there musn’t be any insects in Wales.  Perhaps we should be importing the stuff.  We could make a killing (pardon the pun).

In the late afternoon we had a warm reception at Ross’ mum’s house and a lovely home cooked meal. 

View of Cardigan Bay
View of Cardigan Bay from kitchen window
Exhibit A was one very itchy dog.  Exhibit B was the assortment of anti-flea sprays and powders on the hall table. Poor little Rowley dog looked to have aged a couple of decades in doggie years in the 11 months since we last saw him as he struggled to move about and with a noticeable absence of pizazz.  Ross’ mum was her usual stoic and cheery self however.  Dinner was followed by a walk down the hill to the sea and back up the hill again to make the most of the fine evening and a return to Cardigan to the comforts of a beautifully neat and cosy room in Ty-Parc.

Garden view - Aberporth
Ross' mum's garden in Aberporth - yes the sun really is shining

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