Monday 9 December 2013

The way forward

I have to wait six weeks for my fractured upper jaw to heal and will be limited to a soft food diet until the splint comes off.  Right now all I can manage are liquids.  No Christmas for me this year:(

Today is Day 2 since the accident.  My face is swollen.  I look like a lemming with massive cheeks.  I've had two days of utmost sympathy from family and friends and neighbours.  More messages arrive as the news gets around.  Poor mum and dad rushed over on Sunday afternoon still fatigued from their journey back from Hong Kong and late night arrival, trying to sound positive but not really concealing the worry in their faces.  Ross is tireless, he really is my champion and I could not get through this without him.  

And then the flowers start arriving.  I have to open the door to take collection of the flowers but the delivery man can't look me in the eye.  My swollen lips and bruised face make me look like I'm recovering from cosmetic surgery.  Maybe he thinks I've had too much botox.
The first of the good wishes 
More caring flowers
I'm blown away by all the get well messages and words of support.  

Ross comes home and our neighbours send him some food for dinner tonight so we don't need to cook.  Unspoken kindness.  Just because they care.  We're so overwhelmed we just look at each other with tears in our eyes.

My oddly prescient desk calendar sums it up for today:

"Ever forward, but slowly"
 Gebhard von Blucher, 19th Century Prussian officer


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