Wednesday 4 December 2013

Last day of the Fellowship

On our last day together before we go our separate ways tomorrow, we made our way back to Admiralty but this time jumped on a bus to Stanley.

Hong Kong has put on its best weather all week and today is no exception.  The bus ride is pleasant and a good opportunity for mum and dad to reminisce about the various places we pass en route.  We walk along the Stanley sea front to Murray House.  Originally constructed in Central in 1844 as quarters for British officers, it was dismantled to make way for the construction of the Bank of China tower in 1982.  It was painstakingly relocated to Stanley and restored in 2001.  It houses swank restaurants now.

Stanley sea front
Murray Building
Murray House, Stanley
"Murray House, one of Hong Kong’s oldest buildings originally located in Central District, was reconstructed in Ma Hang.  In 2007 a new public pier was built at the waterfront outside Murray House.  The new pier, named ‘Blake Pier at Stanley’ and featuring the historic cast-iron roof truss removed from the decommissioned Blake Pier in Central District, resonates with nostalgia of a long past era."
Excerpt from Stanley - A Brief History (tourist information board on site)
We opt for an early lunch at Saigon at Stanley in Murray House.  Lunch is a bit subdued however owing to cumulative fatigue perhaps or just by virtue of it being our last day together.
Me and my aunt at Stanley
Me and my roomie

Mum and dad
Mum and dad at Murray House
After lunch we venture into the markets but it's only a quick whip round before we return to Admiralty on the bus.   The stuff on offer is a bit disappointing so we don't linger.

Stanley market
Stanley Market
There is one old resident of Stanley who has seen it all and continues to thrive, literally living on the edge.   The grand old tree has witnessed the rise and fall of the Empire and on it goes. 
Grand old tree
Grand old tree eking out a living in Stanley
On returning to Tseung Kwan O there is one final sortie to the Popcorn Mall before dinner.  As Wendy and Bill have an extremely early flight in the morning, we meet downstairs for a quick meal at Crystal Jade.  We have one more photo in the lobby of the hotel amidst all the Christmas finery.

My family
The HK Fellowship, Crowne Plaza Tseung Kwan O (4 December 2013) - and the last outing for my smile for a while...
There is still time so we make one last detour to the 47th floor and have a stickybeak into Cielo, the hotel's rooftop Italian restaurant and bar.  I'm not afraid of heights but even I must admit to having shaky hands while taking photos over the edge of the balcony.

The view from the 47th floor
Looking down from the roof of the hotel
It's a fitting close to the trip.  The bejewelled hillsides twinkle their final goodbyes to what has been a short, tiring but infinitely worthwhile trip.  Hong Kong doesn't hold that special something for me anymore.  I think it stopped feeling like 'home' a long time ago.  And yet it still resonates with a part of my being and always will, like a song you never quite forget and which ever so occasionally pops into your head and plays over and over.  It was wonderful to see my friends again.  Old friends who tug at the heartstrings and who made me promise I wouldn't leave it another 12 years before coming back.  

Tseung Kwan O at night
Goodbye Tseung Kwan O

I promise.

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