Monday 16 December 2013

Bumps along the trail

"The road is long, with many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where, who knows where"
From He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother (The Hollies)

The last week has certainly been full of ups and downs.  The relative position of my teeth became the least of my worries today as I consulted an endodontist for the first of what will be a year's worth of treatment.  EGADS!

Another painful hour in the chair but the good news is I haven't damaged anything beyond my four front teeth, severe though that damage may be.  I now have the start of a treatment plan but pretty much need to let nature take its course and allow my bone to heal over the next six weeks and then go from there.   Mmmmm, more baby food.... my blender has become my best friend over the last 10 days and will continue to give me succour until the blasted splint comes off.  Roll on February 6th!!

It's when times are toughest that the kindness of friends is most profound.  More flowers today from a dear friend who is half a world away.  Pretty blooms to lift the spirits and remind me to keep a perspective on things.

Flowers from Myth
Find beauty in the simplest things

Thank you Myth.

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