Saturday 7 December 2013

Out of left field

Every so often you'll be going about your life, acting out all your daily routines when something will come unexpectedly out of left field and turn everything upside down.

And so it is that 7 December 2013 started off as an ordinary Saturday but turned into something quite the opposite.  There was nothing unusual about the morning, about going for a haircut or going to the supermarket.  Nothing unusual about lunch at home while poring over the weekend newspapers and nothing unusual about driving up to mum and dad's house to drop off a few things before they return from Hong Kong tonight.  Nothing unusual even about getting home and joining Ross in the garage downstairs to wash our cars.

Nothing unusual until my foot slid backwards on the wet floor and I landed face first on the concrete.  Then just a horrible sound and the shock of seeing blood and broken teeth.  The next few hours were spent in Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital Emergency feeling afraid, hurting, bleeding, being scanned and examined and pockmarked with needles, being so grateful that Ross hasn't left my side, feeling guilty that he's so pale and worried because of me.  Then feeling scared again as we drive to Royal Perth and walk the deserted corridors to the maxillo-facial clinic so the surgeon can give up his Saturday night to operate right away.  

Watching the clock on the wall tick tick tick for over an hour while he does what he has to do and wishing it could all be over.

And then going home.

1am - home again, in my own bed.  The accident replays in my head.  Ross is exhausted and has fallen asleep.  It's going to be a very long road now.  Not really sure what the next step on the trail is going to be.

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