Thursday 19 December 2013


"The benefit of makeup is that it conceals all manner of ills..."
So why is it on the one day I don't put any makeup on, I get more visitors than the last week combined?!  My good friend arrived 30 minutes early this morning before I had the chance to get ready so I had to be brave and barefaced.  Thinking I had the rest of the day to myself I wasn't prepared for the impromptu drop-in from some other dear friends who wanted to check I was okay.  That's it, I thought to myself, not expecting anyone else today so there's no point in prettying myself up, but no... one more visit in the late afternoon.  

I'm so grateful for all the care that everyone has shown but I think I will have to observe the Catherine Zeta-Jones principle from now on - makeup is a must even if it's just to go outside and throw out the trash.  

Call it vanity if you will (because that's what it is) but I think my fading bruises, which have turned a rather odd shade of green, make me look particularly frightful right now.  It did get me the sympathy vote though!

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