Wednesday 8 August 2018

The Aberporth Days

For the next few days at Ross' mum's house, we settle into a bit of a routine. If the weather is good enough we go for a walk down the hill to Aberporth and battle the steep gradient back up again. Ross' mum insists on feeding us as surely and comprehensively as she feeds the birds that wait patiently for her to stock their backyard smorgasbord every morning. We are not allowed to lift a finger around the house, although I do register a small win by washing up after dinner one evening.

The view from the hill towards Aberporth
Walking downhill is so much easier
At the seaside in Aberporth
We make a daily excursion into nearby Cardigan too and hungrily devour the free Wifi at a cafe. Happily Ross enjoys some nice tasting (not burnt!) coffee at the same time. Despite our best efforts, and another trip into Cardigan, we cannot get Ross' mum's tablet connected to mobile broadband. We tell her about the cafe with its free connection to the world but we suspect she is not entirely sold on the idea.

Checking emails in Cardigan
Oh Wifi where art thou
Cardigan town centre
We buy the newspapers daily and bring them home, and spend a couple of hours all sitting together in the front room reading, swapping papers, and then swapping stories. We have our dinners early and then settle in front of the TV to watch one of Ross' mum's favourite programs... Walker Texas Ranger. Although we know it is on TV back at home, we've never watched it until now. Chuck Norris = the all-round American Saviour and Nice Guy. I suppose he can kind of grow on you. As the days pass we meet a kindly neighbour and also marvel at the books in the library. However, before too long the end of the week rolls round and it is time for us to go.

Ross and his Mum
Ross and his Mum

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