Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tackling Manchester

The problem with going to sleep so early is that we find ourselves awake in the wee small hours of the morning. The house still sleeps while we creep downstairs with our iThings and sit in the lounge to eagerly connect to Wifi. Slowly it starts getting light and we hungrily eye the breakfast table that has already been set with delicious items.

The table set for breakfast... and the garden beyond
Breakfast is as wonderful as the set table promised and once we are all set, Russell drives us into Manchester so we can wander around for a few hours while he goes to work. Our first stop is the Manchester University campus to see the grand old buildings and ivy clad quad.

Manchester University buildings
Manchester University

We gradually walk towards the city centre, stopping in at the Manchester Museum along the way. School holidays mean crowds and lots of noise, and our jet lagged bodies just want to sit and rest... We force ourselves on and pass numerous cranes and construction sites. Everywhere we look, the city is booming with redevelopment. The crowds get thicker as we approach the city centre and we start to wonder if we have perhaps been a bit too ambitious to spend so many hours out and about on our first day. Happily a short break for food and a sit down helps. Manchester is a big city and a juxtaposition of historic buildings and new development, smartly dressed office workers and the desperate and homeless who approach to ask for spare change, slick shops and seedy laneways, light skies and greyness. 

The John Rylands Library provides some welcome quiet. It is our second visit here but we are just as awestruck as before.

John Rylands Library
Sweeping staircases and vaulted ceilings
The magnificent reading room just lends itself to quiet contemplation... it would have been a perfect place for writing a thesis?!

John Rylands Library
Reading room 

John Rylands Library
A thesis writing space
There are new discoveries to be made on every visit... all we had to do was look up and see the skill that went into the ceiling carvings.

John Rylands Library
Ceiling carvings... every one is different
Russell collects us at 3pm and we return home for a few hours rest. Hilary has been busy all day and when evening comes, we are treated to a wonderful home-cooked meal with the rest of the family. There are lots of laughs and funny stories and it is so nice tonight to be part of this close-knit family and warm and welcome home. 

A great evening with a beautiful family

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