Sunday 7 July 2013

Rocky Pool Walk

It was supposed to be a repeat of last year's Piesse Brook walk but we took a wrong turn while trying to connect the Rocky Pool circuit to the Helena Pipehead Walk.  After vainly trying to locate the Helena Pipehead trail we played it safe and returned to Rocky Pool and completed the circuit.  So all up probably only 8km however it should be said that the incorrect trail we ended up following took us up a very steep and very corrugated track with deep tyre ruts and loose gravel.  At some points I was clambering on all fours it was so steep.  Definitely a good workout for the legs and excellent hill training!

Some observations from the walk:

  • A fire had been through the park since last year so the landscape had changed.
  • The water situation is dire.  It has been a dry winter so far and cumulative dry winters are definitely taking their toll.  Watercourses were bone dry and Rocky Pool - supposedly a deep water pool with water all year round - was reduced to a solitary puddle.  What little water there was last year has long gone.  
Rain, rain, we need rain.

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