Sunday 21 July 2013

Eagle View Walk (John Forrest National Park)

The stats
  • Distance - 16km circuit
  • Grade - classed as 'medium' to 'hard'
  • Estimated time to complete - 5-6hrs
  • Actual time taken -  4hrs 10mins (with half hour stop for lunch)
  • Cost - $11 national park entry fee

The verdict

Second time around this walk was just as beautiful, challenging and a wonderful training exercise.  This time with a reduced Fellowship (as Dad is still overseas), the two of us managed the walk in under four hours.  So, a slightly better time than last year but even so it was leisurely enough to stop and enjoy the splashes of colour courtesy of some early wildflowers, and despair at the bone dry creek beds and trickle pretending to be a waterfall. 

A blessing however that the track was dry and we didn't have to lug wet weather gear along with us as there was little chance of rain.

Ready now to rejoin the C2C...

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