Thursday 6 March 2014


Today in Perth it was Day 95 without rain.

Today the sun fuelled 12 more hours of fiery monotony (36oC) in one of our hottest summers on record.  

Today was also the last day of my six-month work contract.  My colleagues put on a 'farewell' morning tea although I must admit I felt a bit cheeky getting another 'farewell' when I already left 2 years ago.  Everyone was very kind though and I really appreciated the sentiments.  

It was a good six months and it happened at the right time but I also know it's time for a new challenge and you can't keep looking back.  I don't think it took me long to figure this out when I first returned to my old workplace last September but it's only now I can put it into words courtesy of the perfect quote I stumbled across yesterday:

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."
Nelson Mandela (A Long Walk to Freedom)

Long Walk to Freedom indeed.  I am now free.

But now what do I do?

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