Thursday 13 March 2014

The tease

"Australia experienced another angry summer...we had substantial heat records, heatwaves and other extreme weather events"
 (Professor Tim Flannery commenting on the "2013-14 Angry Summer" Report by the Climate Council)

So it wasn't surprising really that our 'chance of a storm' evaporated and after 100+ days without significant earth-quenching rain, all we got this morning was thick cloud, oppressive humidity and a few little rain drops.  At least that's what I think was falling from the sky, it's been so long since I've seen anything remotely resembling precipitation I've forgotten what it looks like.  

Rain teaser
Can you SEE the raindrops?!
It was just a rain teaser - a minuscule 0.2mm recorded in the weather bureau's official gauge.  The poor trees would only have had the chance to taste the moisture in the air as the clouds passed over, only the odd lonely rain drop managing to squeeze itself from the cloud's fierce grasp to fall to earth. 

Rain teaser
The lonely raindrop

Another day without rain.  Another day spent waiting for this awful hot weather to break.

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