Sunday 2 March 2014

From 6 to 6

Sunday morning started pretty much the same as last weekend.  At 6am Ross and I walked to Fourth Pagoda - the Marlee Pavilion near Roe Gardens.  The river's surface was like glass again.  Everything was still and anticipating the hot day ahead.

Fourth Pagoda
Marlee Pavilion as the sun rises over the Swan River
The retic had just been on so unfortunately the benches were still wet but we stopped nonetheless at one of the little alcoves within the aptly named Place of Reflection and just spent some time savouring the morning.

Alcoves within the Place of Reflection

At the other end of the day, we cruised along to South Cottesloe Beach and got there just before 6pm in time to see the sun sinking into the Indian Ocean.

Sunset over the Indian Ocean
South Cott Beach
South Cottesloe Beach
Not a bad way to spend a Sunday really.

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