Sunday 8 December 2019

Twilight travels

We spend the day half-expecting more late changes to our flight itinerary so it bodes well when we get to the airport and check-in. Even so, just to be absolutely sure, I have to keep checking that there is actually a plane on the tarmac...

Air NZ plane - maybe the only one flying just now?
A good sign

Maybe, perhaps, just a tiny little bit, the airline partially redeems itself. The long-leg of our journey to Christchurch via Auckland is (a treat to ourselves) in premium economy. It reminds us of the ol' days when seats were actually roomy, it was possible to recline without ending up in someone else's lap, and meals were served on trays with real metal cutlery and comprised an entree, a hot main and dessert (remember?) - so generous a portion in fact that it's not possible to eat everything. Oh and a little overnight kit too with a toothbrush, sleep mask, and pair of socks - nice touch. 

That said, it is still several hours of sleeplessness and having to transit and change planes in Auckland at the equivalent Perth-time of 1am in the morning. So, no, you can keep your Kia Ora! I'm still not impressed.

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