Sunday 3 March 2019

The journey home

On the way back to our room we pick up some croissants from a bakery for Ross and I indulge in the last of the Aussie rice crackers. Then it's a chance to peal off the sweaty clothes and have one more luxurious shower before we pack our bags and check-out at 2pm. The reception staff surprise us with a gift of hotel branded chocolates - their way of apologising for the inconvenience caused by the plumbing problem. It is an unexpected and very kind gesture.

Our plan had been to store our luggage with the Concierge and then kill some time in the Suntec City shopping mall, but we are not really prepared for the Sunday afternoon crowds.  The mall is thronged with families and people, people everywhere. Noise, nowhere to sit, and having to pick our way past shops that we're really not very interested in browsing. Our weary feet and hungry tummies eventually take us to a Japanese restaurant in the basement food hall where we have a late lunch - for me the ultimate comfort meal of tofu and rice. Although we still have an hour before we must go to the airport, the shopping mall proves too much to bear so we return to the comforts of the Conrad and make ourselves comfortable in the lobby. The pianist is back and in the music we lose ourselves in an effortless daydream of the days just passed.

The doorman reminds us about passports and with a wave, closes the taxi door. Singapore recedes into the late afternoon heat haze and then it's several hours of airports, cramped seats, bad in-flight movies, bad in-flight food, and broken sleep until the welcome lights of Perth. The cool air of the dead of night as we make our way home at 1am and the familiar, welcoming embrace of our own lovely lovely bed. 

Orchids at Changi Airport
A parting gift from Changi Terminal 1 - one last flash of botanical brilliance to see us on our way

Until next time Singapore...

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