Saturday 2 March 2019

Sedate Saturday

1am and still awake. After an antacid and a few hours of listening to soothing music, I finally fall asleep but it is very fitful. I wake up several times to find my body twitching and unable to lie still.

Sunrise comes with what feels like a dreadful hangover - the crash that comes after the immense sugar high. Ross has similarly had a restless night so we are both like zombies at breakfast. Neither of us feels much like eating and we are definitely agreed that we have had our last high tea ... certainly one that has So Much Sugar.

We have a much quieter day and spend a few hours visiting Orchard Road. Ross manages to purchase a few items but sadly runs out of steam before I can browse through the book heaven of Kinokuniya. 

We retreat back to the hotel for the afternoon and just rest our tired heads and bodies. In the late afternoon I manage to duck across to Suntec for 20 minutes - with Ross in tow - to pick up some items from Uniqlo, and that is the extent of my retail exposure on this trip!

* * *
Gearing ourselves up for another meal, we meet Ross' colleague at 6pm and spend an enjoyable evening at the hotel's Cantonese restaurant, Golden Peony. The food is glorious, and we tuck into crispy chicken with almonds, tofu and seafood claypot, fragrant fried rice, and stir fried kai lan. Best of all, our stomachs are much happier after this meal.

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