Saturday 19 September 2015


Away! To big sky, giant trees and the sea.

A rest at last. Just me and my travelling companion, back on the road again.  Not far and not for long, just a few hours drive south to Margaret River and only for four days, but after the busy-ness of the last few weeks, it is very welcome.

We reached Margaret River in time for a wholesome lunch at the excellent Urban Bean. So happy to start with some gluten free and vegetarian yumminess.  We checked into our room at the Margaret River Guest House and availed ourselves of an afternoon nap before walking the short 2 minute distance back to the main street.  It was overcast and cold so we had a quick browse around the Jah Roc Gallery before retreating to the warmth of the bookstore for a browse (and purchase!).  Our final task was to scope out restaurants for our evening meal, and booking secured, we returned to the warmth of our room.

Dinner at La Scarpetta was very satisfying.  Ross swears it is the nicest angus steak he has ever had - oven roasted to perfection on a bed of rosemary roast potatoes with gorgonzola and walnut sauce.  My barramundi was pretty nice too although there's not much you can do with cauliflower puree to make it taste anything other than bland.  Even so, it was a good start to our trip.  

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