Sunday 20 September 2015

Cloud clearing to a glorious day

I must admit I felt a bit cheated at breakfast this morning.  Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day so when it doesn't quite meet my expectations I feel sad.  Although we're early risers we had to kill time until breakfast at 8:30am, when all the guests descended on the dining room at the same time.  Shock, horror, there were only two communal dining tables so it was an introvert's worst nightmare having to scramble around and concentrate on small talk with strangers so early in the day.  Definitely not for me although Ross was in his element.  The cereal and fruit selection was a bit limited and there was no choice of hot mains.  Everyone eats the same cooked breakfast although it changes daily. I'm really not keen on eggs in the morning but ate my scrambled eggs anyway... will probably bring my own rice cereal to the table tomorrow and forego hot meals from now on.

Yesterday's cloud cleared to reveal a glorious sunny morning and so the clouds from breakfast cleared as we drove along Caves Road to the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse.  We opted to do the respectable (almost) 4km Bunker Bay loop walk.  It proved more challenging than we expected with steep inclines and rough sandy track, and took the full 90 minutes but it was well worth the effort.  
Rough track
Coastal track
The coastal vegetation was an explosion of colour - the pictures below are only a tiny tiny sample of the wildflowers that were in bloom.

Coastal wildflowers
And the coastal views were absolutely breathtaking.  

Coastal view
Looking towards Bunker Bay
While at the Shelley Cove lookout some fellow walkers told us to keep an eye out for migrating whales as they spotted some off the coast yesterday. Sure enough, a little further along we spied a boat and at least three whales frolicking off the coast.  It was a real treat to see them even though they were quite a long way out.  Some other walkers told us about seals in the water visible from another lookout so we had a double wildlife treat today.

Shelley Cove
Shelley Cove
Limestone cliffs
Limestone cliffs
What better way to recover from a walk than to stop at the nearby Bunker Bay Resort.  Not a bad spot to enjoy a mid-morning coffee really!

Looking out from the Bunker Bay Resort
Nice spot for coffee
We sat on the rocks down by the water and contemplated the sea for a little while before heading back to Margaret River... via Gabriel Chocolate of course:)  

Bunker Bay
By the sea at Bunker Bay
Tired from all the fresh air, it was a lazy afternoon of reading and lounging about with only a short detour into town to buy a few things.  An early tapas meal at Swings Taphouse preceded an early night.  Blissful sleep in a warm comfortable bed, in the peace and quiet of Margaret River... until THUMP! Sounds like there might be something scratching about in the roof space above our room...?

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