Thursday 9 January 2014

Mash for grown-ups - episode 3

Teriyaki salmon mash

(Makes 4 serves)

2 x salmon fillets (skin removed)
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup mirin
½ tbsp brown sugar
Squirt of lemon juice
Small piece of fresh ginger (grated)

For mash:
1 x sweet potato
3 x medium sized potatoes
Salt, pepper, butter and/or milk to taste

1.     Combine soy, mirin, sugar, lemon juice and grated ginger in a bowl.  Stir to combine and marinate the salmon fillets in the mixture inside the fridge for 15-20 minutes.
2.   Grill the salmon (approx. 6 minutes each side on medium heat or until cooked through).  When turning the fish, spoon over some more of the marinade.  It should caramelise beautifully under the grill.
3.   Boil potatoes until soft and then mash until smooth with salt, pepper, butter and/or milk to taste. 
4.   Now the fun bit!  Blend half a salmon fillet with two generous spoonfuls of the sweet potato mash and serve.

Serving suggestion: I sometimes like to blend in up to half an avocado (or a few tablespoons of cooked peas) and 1 tsp of sour cream. 

Potato and broccoli mash

(Makes 2 serves)

2 x medium sized potatoes
1 x small head of broccoli
Salt and pepper to taste
(To serve: 2-3 tbsp chicken pate and some grated parmesan cheese)

1.   Boil potatoes until soft.  In the same or a different saucepan, boil/steam the broccoli until soft.
2.     Season and mash together the potatoes and broccoli.
3.   To serve, mix the potato and broccoli mash with chicken pate (this should melt from the heat of the mash) and grated parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

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