Sunday 27 October 2013

Sunday stroll

Spring is most definitely here with its profusion of colourful blooms... and dreaded hay fever.  However it was just such an impossibly beautiful morning that even the watery eyes and itchy nose couldn't keep me indoors.

Flower covered arbour
The walkway arbour weighed down with jasmine
I turned my feet towards Crawley and Nedlands and passed the picture perfect boat shed along Mounts Bay Road.

Boat shed on the Swan River
The blue boat shed 
It was peaceful and quiet strolling through the UWA campus.  There was barely a soul about and it seemed relatively deserted... until the sound of bagpipes started getting distinctly louder towards the Guild buildings.  The place was abuzz with market stalls, coffee stands, music and lots of shoppers.  Who knew. 

UWA fig tree
Under the boughs of the giant fig
Winthrop Hall
Winthrop Hall
I stuck to the quieter path.  It is UWA's centenary year and I spotted the centum peeking out from under a tree.  It was a fitting spot for it right next to the old Irwin Street building which was the university's original premises and now houses its archives.  

UWA centum
The centum hiding under a tree on the right
At the far end of campus I rejoined the riverside path through the Matilda Bay Reserve.  How amazing, there really can't be many cities in the world where you can literally walk right along the river's edge.

"Believe me, my young friend, there is NOTHING...absolutely nothing...half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
 (Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows)
Boats on the Swan River
Looking towards the City from Matilda Bay
A welcoming seat
The river's edge
Then it was back up to Kings Park with weary legs.  The sun was getting stronger, the day was heating up although not unpleasantly so but it did bring the first flies of the season out in force.  Not sure why they insist on going for the ears but there's only so much insistent buzzing you can hear in the left - then right - then left ear again before it starts getting just a little...bit...annoying.  Oh and having to wave your arms about your head like a mad woman. Not a good look either.

Happily the wildflowers offered some distraction.

Kangaroo paws
Kangaroo Paw display

Colourful wildflower display
And one more stretch of lush green grass before finishing my walk on this most magnificent of Sundays.

Still green and lush
Kings Park grassy avenue

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