Saturday 12 October 2013

Duck weather

Thanks to sneezes, sniffs and snores from someone who shall remain anonymous, it was a very early start to the day zzzZZZZZZ.  It did however mean a 6am stroll through the park and the privilege of bearing witness to the flowers that had only just been laid at the Bali Memorial.  Today marks the 11th anniversary of the terrorist attack and families and friends dutifully made the sad pilgrimage to the memorial to watch the rising sun illuminate the plaque with the names of their loved ones.  And to remember them.

It was a suitably brooding and overcast morning but the sun did eventually break through the clouds.

Perth overcast
A rather atmospheric cityscape
Not before some heavy showers though.  Definitely 'duck weather' today I thought as I happened upon this feathered family.  

Duck weather

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