Monday 30 September 2013

Making the most of a Monday off

Sadly full-time work is now robbing me of anything remotely exciting to blog about so adventure is strictly limited to weekends and public holidays.  At least the sun put on a good show today so it was a great opportunity to lace up the running shoes (still haven't replaced the poor little boots that were laid to rest in Robin Hood's Bay) and go for a walk.

Not sure if Ross realised it was going to be a 14km stroll around the river when he agreed to come along but that's what it turned out to be.  We started in South Perth where we happened across this fantastic photo op:

Mercedes SL 1957 and 2009 models
Then and now - the evolution of Mercedes
We then wound our way along the foreshore past the Great Wall of Ross, the Burswood Peninsula and to East Perth.  I was decidedly fading by this time so breakfast was in order!  The food wasn't that spectacular but at least the location was fabulous.

Claisebrook Inlet East Perth
Breakfasting in East Perth - Claisebrook Cove
Bit of a slog after that along Riverside Drive, over the Narrows Bridge and back to South Perth but a good walk all up.  Even better was the knowledge that while we were enjoying a walk, the rest of the nation was at work.  Ah short lived pleasure, work beckons on the morrow!

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