Tuesday 3 September 2013

Home again

“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours.”
(Terry Pratchett)

There’s something magical about seeing your city from the plane and that glimmer of recognition as you get close enough to make out more and more features.  And then walking up the steps and opening the front door and falling into your own bed.  Lovely lovely lovely.

I'm waving at you
Home again and waving from our balcony (that little speck looking resplendent in purple is ME)
Before falling back into the routines of work and housework, there's a narrow margin where it's possible to bask in the warm fuzziness of post-holiday glee, recount stories, and relive the photographs.  And before being consumed by the every day, it's nice to re-establish roots and remember how wonderful it is to be surrounded once again by the comfortable and familiar. 

Antique cannon
A holiday memento - the 'brass ornament' that has travelled from Aberporth to Manchester to Perth (thanks TD!) - in case you're wondering it's pointing at Dumas House:)

Kings Park put on its best colours to welcome us home.  

The City from Kings Park
Perth City from Kings Park
Kings Park wildflowers
Kings Park wildflowers
How nice to be home!  Of course it's always slightly fraught re-starting the car after it's been sitting in the garage for a month.... no not really, it's just the centrepiece of the Kings Park Wildflower Festival.

Kings Park car
The car after sitting idle for a month

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