Monday 30 July 2018

A holiday... at last!

It has been a very long time since any holiday anywhere but I start the trip a little worse for wear. Fatigue from a busy few months, adrenaline pumping away all weekend from the graduation ceremony, and a possible virus mean boarding the plane feeling quite awful. 

BUT the fact we're flying Business Class this time (a special treat) gives me plenty to smile about. Lounge access before boarding, a personal pod on the plane with every comfort (plush blanket, pillow, pyjamas?! Wow), personal attention from cabin crew, on-demand dining... one could get very used to this.

All smiles
Flying in comfort for a change
Qatar Airways Business Class
More than a seat... it's a personal pod

It is 11pm when our flight takes off and it is not long before seats are transformed into lie-flat beds, draped in a nice spongy mattress. For the first time maybe ever(?) I actually manage to get a few hours sleep on a plane. We take off into the inky blackness towards Doha and home recedes more and more into the distance as the hours slip by.

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