Saturday 17 September 2016

Under ominous skies

It is an overcast morning but warm, glorious sun breaks through the cloud as we head to the Margaret River Farmers' Market after breakfast. Gosh it's the mother of all farmers' markets in terms of high quality regional produce but then we're in gourmet central. We're spoilt for choice and we end up hauling away a bag bulging with olive oil, muesli, honey, jam, nuts, and mandarins. 

We want to make the most of the sunny and warm morning so it's a drive straight back to Prevelly. By the time we get there it is very overcast but fortunately it doesn't rain. Instead it is quite warm and muggy as we walk along the coastal path from River Mouth to the White Elephant Cafe at Gnarabup. It's Saturday morning and the surf is up so the sea is heaving with surfers bobbing up and down in the waves, just waiting for that perfect ride. 

Wild surf
Prevelly under ominous skies
After a coffee at the White Elephant we walk back to River Mouth, past this rather curious looking statue at Surfers Point.

The skateboarding statue that points the way to the surf
We return to Margaret River but it is too early for lunch so we visit a few stores ... including the Antique Shop. A clock catches Ross' eye and there is much looking and pondering, and pondering and looking. We leave the shop after he decides to 'think about it'.

Another restful afternoon spent reading the newspaper and enjoying the utterly beautiful garden, what luxury! Sunshine, flowers, birdsong, contemplation, and time... surely the recipe for happiness. 

The garden
Even the shed looks perfect
The garden
The green room
Donkey orchids
Donkey orchids
The temperature starts to drop as soon as the sun goes down so it's back indoors to a warm room. Until dinnertime that is and an absolutely worthwhile journey back into town for a meal at La Scarpetta.  


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