Monday 19 September 2016


And in case you're wondering whether Ross ended up buying that antique....

No he didn't.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Deep blue

It's a very cold morning but the sunshine promises a glorious spring day. We know there's a storm on its way though and it's due to cross the capes by lunchtime, so immediately after breakfast we hastily make our way along Caves Road to Dunsborough and onwards to Cape Naturaliste. We arrive at Eagle Bay and the sea glitters.

Storm clouds on the horizon
We park at nearby Gannet Rock and walk the short distance to Point Picquet and back. 

At Point Picquet
At Point Picquet
Ross at Point Picquet
And Ross too
From there we continue along the track to Meelup Beach. It's an easy track through coastal scrub, alive with flowers and nectar feeding birds like honeyeaters darting through the foliage.
The coastal walk
Walking through coastal scrub
Picnic table
Meelup Beach
When we reach Meelup Beach the sun is still shining and the turquoise waters are calm and sedate. So we venture further along the track on a slightly longer section towards Castle Rock.

Dramatic landscape on the way to Castle Rock
That's Castle Rock at the edge of the bay
We pass quite a few walkers on the trail and notice that they're all wearing raincoats. Of course we were similarly well prepared and brought our rain jackets too ... but opted to leave them in the car (way back at Gannet Rock) since the sun was shining and the clouds were so far off shore.... By the time we reach Castle Rock, the sky is looking decidedly mean and the sun has all but disappeared.

Castle Rock
Castle Rock
We don't linger. We see the Rock and do a quick about turn. Except for a short stop to photograph some elusive Spider Orchids (which another walker excitedly told us about... we noticed she had her raincoat on too), we power walk back to the car.

Spider orchids
Spider orchids
We don't stop at any of our previous stops. We don't stop to smell or even look at any of the flowers. The birds have gone quiet. The sun has gone and the wind picks up. 

But we make it! We feel a huge sense of relief when we reach the car, and not a moment too soon as the sky is heavy and dark. It's very different to when we started our walk!

Overcast skies
Overcast skies and a gloomy sea at Gannet Rock where we finished our walk
Safely back in the car we make the short drive to the nearby Bunker Bay Resort for coffee and then wind our way back down Caves Road to Margaret River. We pass multiple wineries along the way and our stomachs start to groan and demand food... but none seem very inviting. Or maybe it's just our tired legs, the leaden skies and the rain. By the time we reach Margaret River, the rain is coming down in sheets. We opt for a light lunch at Sidekick Cafe. It is warm and dry indoors, the staff are impossibly cheerful, and the food is wholesome. Ross even gets to try their famous bagel.

We retreat back to the comfort and warmth of our room for the rest of the afternoon while the full force of the cold front hits. It is a wild afternoon with strong winds and heavy heavy rain. Fortunately there is a short break in the showers ... long enough for us to enjoy some delicious tapas for dinner at Swings Taphouse.

It is a nice meal to finish our short holiday. Home tomorrow but not before Ross formulates his Plan. A return to the antiques shop in the morning to negotiate a price for the clock. If they yield then we return home with it. If not then so be it.

Saturday 17 September 2016

Under ominous skies

It is an overcast morning but warm, glorious sun breaks through the cloud as we head to the Margaret River Farmers' Market after breakfast. Gosh it's the mother of all farmers' markets in terms of high quality regional produce but then we're in gourmet central. We're spoilt for choice and we end up hauling away a bag bulging with olive oil, muesli, honey, jam, nuts, and mandarins. 

We want to make the most of the sunny and warm morning so it's a drive straight back to Prevelly. By the time we get there it is very overcast but fortunately it doesn't rain. Instead it is quite warm and muggy as we walk along the coastal path from River Mouth to the White Elephant Cafe at Gnarabup. It's Saturday morning and the surf is up so the sea is heaving with surfers bobbing up and down in the waves, just waiting for that perfect ride. 

Wild surf
Prevelly under ominous skies
After a coffee at the White Elephant we walk back to River Mouth, past this rather curious looking statue at Surfers Point.

The skateboarding statue that points the way to the surf
We return to Margaret River but it is too early for lunch so we visit a few stores ... including the Antique Shop. A clock catches Ross' eye and there is much looking and pondering, and pondering and looking. We leave the shop after he decides to 'think about it'.

Another restful afternoon spent reading the newspaper and enjoying the utterly beautiful garden, what luxury! Sunshine, flowers, birdsong, contemplation, and time... surely the recipe for happiness. 

The garden
Even the shed looks perfect
The garden
The green room
Donkey orchids
Donkey orchids
The temperature starts to drop as soon as the sun goes down so it's back indoors to a warm room. Until dinnertime that is and an absolutely worthwhile journey back into town for a meal at La Scarpetta.  


Friday 16 September 2016

Into the Wilderness

Almost exactly a year to the day since our last Margaret River sojourn, we again make a pilgrimage to the southwest. We leave the city and its cares behind and drive, drive, drive into the forest. Spring is on our tail and the roadsides are in bloom although winter's grip is still quite strong down here. The landscape is green and fresh but the colours are more muted. We are creatures of habit and stop in Yallingup once again for lunch at Little Fish. Ross proclaims it is the best marinara he has ever eaten(?!) Then again, holidays are always tinged with that rosy glow. A pit stop at Little Fish is never complete without a quick browse round the Gunyulgup Gallery next door, although today I think I preferred this view rather than anything that featured on the other walls:

Lake view
Through the picture window at Gunyulgup Gallery
Next stop our accommodation at Wilderness House. Conveniently close to Margaret River and Prevelly but surrounded by enough bush for it to feel isolated, it was perfect. Small and quiet but clean, modern and comfortable, it was just the remedy for two tired and frazzled souls.

Wilderness House B+B
View to the garden
Garden view room
Comfortable room
Modern and comfortable ... and mercifully a heater! The heater was on... a lot.
Nice bathroom
How wonderful to laze about on a weekday afternoon, to sleep off a big lunch and a long drive, to read a book and enjoy the garden view! But we don our jackets and brave the cold to journey the short distance to Prevelly to watch the sun set.  The afternoon's showers have cleared but the sky is still heavy with dark clouds and there's a biting wind. 

Prevelly beach
Sunset at Prevelly

It is beautiful ... but dammit it is cold! So we beat a hasty retreat to warmth and comfort.