Tuesday 9 June 2015


The morning rewarded us with brilliant sunshine and it was the perfect weather to drink in the stupendous beauty of Greens Pool.

The south coast is crazy pretty and wild.  No matter what direction you look, you can't see any sign of human habitation.  We benefited from the early morning visit as we were able to walk the short distance between Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks in solitude.

Greens Pool
Overlooking Greens Pool
Elephant Rocks
The round rumps of Elephant Rocks
Mid-morning meant a foray into Denmark for coffee by the River and a look around town.  Then a leisurely drive along Ocean Beach Road and a few scenic stops along the coast.  

Denmark coast
Denmark coast
It was another restful afternoon soaking up the view before returning to Castelli for one final session with the genius chef.  And before retiring for the evening, we braved the chill to glance upwards at the sky.  The clear night meant an unimpeded view of the stars.  The city lights in Perth rob us of the heavens despite our cloudless nights so it was a great privilege to finally see the galaxy stretched out in all its glory above our heads.  A reminder of just how small and insignificant we are in the scale of the universe, and an opportunity to reflect and  bask in the light from the beginning of time.

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