Friday 15 August 2014

Revenge of the cocoa bean

Okay so the day before my accident last December my greatest regret was not having that last piece of cake at Ross' office Christmas party.  Somehow the self-talk got the better of me and I passed up the pleasure of sinking my (then whole) teeth into a piece of chocolate loveliness.  Little did I know that less than 24 hours later I'd be miserable and spending the next 8 weeks on a puree diet.

So when the opportunity presented itself at high tea yesterday to reach for a final piece of cake, the self-naysayer got a stern rebuke and I reached out to grab the richest gooiest slab of chocolate cake possible. Never mind that this was on top of an already choc-heavy day and an indulgent high tea buffet.

Sorry self-talk, I will always listen to you from now on.  Having to take antacids at 1am in the morning and sit up in bed feeling awful is decidedly no fun.  

At least that puts that particular little regret to rest once and for all!


Fortunately by morning I was feeling much better although I had to exercise considerable restraint at our final breakfast buffet.  We managed to secure a late check-out of the hotel so we navigated the City Link mall to Suntec City and did some last minute shopping before returning to our room to pack.  Having checked out and left our bags with Reception, we made one final foray across the road to my now beloved Raffles City foodhall for lunch.  We decided on a Japanese meal where we had the novel experience of placing our food order via iPad.  Ingenious really.

Mid-afternoon arrived and we bid adieu to the Raffles as our driver returned us to Changi Airport.  There was a bit of deja vu as I showed Ross the Butterfly Garden.  The last time I was here I was on my way home from Hong Kong.

Butterfly Garden
Changi Airport Butterfly Garden - still a beautiful oasis
The flight home was much more enjoyable as it wasn't as packed, the air conditioning wasn't set to arctic, it was a newer plane and the entertainment system offered more choices.  And of course the crew were delightful - Singapore Girl, you really are a great way to fly.  

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