Sunday 2 February 2014

Three Pagodas Walk

It has been such a painfully slow recovery in so many ways.  It has now been eight weeks since the accident, the splint is coming off in a few days (relief!) but it's still going to be many months before teeth can be repaired.  So it's still a bit of a waiting game.  Happily I can eat more although dreams of chocolate croissants and granola may just have to remain as dreams for a while yet!

I've really missed my weekend walks and it has been so long since my 'normal' Sunday stroll that my fitness levels have whittled away to zero.  So begins the long hard walk to build up stamina again.  Ross is ever the trooper and has been accompanying me on walks after work and on the weekends - ever so slowly increasing in length.

This morning at 6am we were out in the Park enjoying the first rays of the Sunday sun and a new record.  Maybe not far in terms of distance but it felt like a bit of a milestone.

First Pagoda
First Pagoda - peeking out from under the boughs of the Australian Cedar
The walk to Second Pagoda has become our 'usual' weekday walk as I tend to run out of energy by the time we get here.

Second Pagoda
Second Pagoda
Hooray, made it to Third Pagoda today, down to the bottom of the hill and more importantly, back up it again.   It's a very special place and more than a little mystical in the early morning stillness.  

Third Pagoda
Third Pagoda - Women's Memorial Garden
And magic is definitely something I could do with at the moment.

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