Sunday 22 July 2012

Kings Park walks

I really can't document our training for the Coast to Coast without mentioning the various Kings Park trails.  Ross and I are fortunate that it's right on our doorstep and every Sunday morning for the last two years I've been heading out for a weekly constitutional.  While gearing up for the C2C I gradually built up to a 10km circuit by joining together a few trails (Law Walk and a return trip along the Broadwalk to Zamia Cafe) and supplementing with various meanderings to link them.  

Path leading from the Roe Gardens - the beautiful
overhanging branch has sadly since fallen in a storm
The view of the city from the botanic garden
And of course Kings Park in August and September is resplendent with wildflowers, all helpfully labelled with the species names which is jolly considerate for us lapsed botanists!

Kings Park wildflower festival
The basic fact about Perth is that it's pretty FLAT.  While our training walks have been in the Hills thus giving us some gradients to work with, even this is limited.  Kings Park at least offers some undulating hills (more molehills than mountains in a landscape sense) but better than nothing.  While my Dad was nursing his foot it also offered a plethora of bushland tracks and slopes for him to train without exacerbating his injury.

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