Thursday 1 January 2015

Brand sparkly new year... it's 2015!

The new year seems like a good time to reflect on the passage of time and there's no better way than by sampling the glorious natural canvas that is Kings Park.

A year ago I was in pain and despair, living with post-accident uncertainty in a dental purgatory defined by specialists, painkillers, fatigue and a mash diet.  Things have moved on a bit and while I still have a very very long road before I can get my smile back, at least I'm on the right track.  Mash is still front and centre in my diet but at least it's slightly more sophisticated mash these days!

A year ago I also started my 'Saturday Sequence' - a series of photos taken of Kings Park from the same spot every Saturday morning at around the same time.  Not very high tech but in just under 5 minutes it's possible to watch the seasons change from spring (Sept 2013)  through a complete cycle to summer (Dec 2014).  A reminder perhaps that the world keeps turning, the seasons keep changing, and life carries on.
