Saturday 21 June 2014

Meteorological musings

Overcast skies have created some spectacular mornings over the last few days ranging from thick mist to a glorious golden sunrise.

Morning light
Morning moods

Morning mist
The mist lifts

Tuesday delivered Perth a spectacular storm and our wettest day of the year so far... just over 50mm of rain!  Brilliant while indoors, perhaps less fun while trying to get from one place to another without one's umbrella blowing inside out.  

It didn't work.

Bureau of Meteorology radar image
The storm just before it hit the city (Bureau of Meteorology radar image 17 June 2014)

Today brought more welcome rain and the following clip which I shall look back on fondly in a few months from now when the landscape is baking hot and parched again.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Yallingup to Smiths Beach

Another glorious morning in the south west.  There was only a faint red glow on the horizon when we left the house.


We started the day with a short walk (approximately 5km?) along the Cape to Cape track from Yallingup Beach to Smiths Beach.  There's nothing quite like the crunch of yellow sand underfoot, crisp sea air and the slender rays and faint warmth of the rising sun breaking through the cloud.

Beach at dawn
Smiths Beach at sunrise

Friday 6 June 2014

Forest therapy

There is something inherently restorative about nature. 

It was therefore our good fortune to escape to the south west of the state for a few days.  How perfectly wonderful to visit the tall karri trees in the Boranup Forest and for just a few moments, feed the soul. 

Boranup Forest
Food for the soul