Wednesday 16 April 2014


"It's a time of great change, a time of great uncertainty, and we must make uncertainty our friend."
(John Naisbitt, American author)
Not sure if I'd go so far as making uncertainty my friend but it's certainly making itself right at home.

I am no closer to eating my longed-for chocolate croissant as I get shuffled from one dental specialist to another.  More appointments next week while my dental 'team' give opinions and mutter among themselves about how best to treat my 'complicated' case, while I pay for the privilege of course.  Sigh.


Saturday 5 April 2014

And still the world waits

It is almost a month to the day since MH370 vanished without a trace and its disappearance has horrified and captivated the globe in equal measure. There is still no evidence of the whereabouts of the 239 passengers and crew who are thought to have perished somewhere over the Indian Ocean on 8 March 2014.  Hopefully the sea will give up its secrets soon.

Pre Raphaelite painting
Frederic, Lord Leighton (1892) And the Sea Gave Up the Dead Which Were In It (Tate Britain)

See: Tate Britain for more info on this artwork.